South Strabane Township Man Faces Trial

November 4, 2022 2:36 am

A man that was living in a local hotel will stand trial on charges of felony rape of a child. Logan Hunt, 30 will have his trial begin on November 14. He is accused of the rape of a then 5 year old child that he would babysit. Police say that the father of the child noticed bruising and took the child to Children’s Hospital for evaluation. The child was found to have a broken arm and other injuries consistent with abuse. A subsequent police interview with the child by police indicate the child was raped on multiple occasions and they would be struck on the face and told not to tell anyone about the encounters. A competency hearing is scheduled before the trial begins. Hunt is charged with several other felonies related to this incident including aggravated indecent assault of a child and endangering the welfare of children. Hunt remains in the Washington County Jail.