McConnell Says He Hopes Tariffs On Mexico Don’t Go Into Effect

June 4, 2019 2:19 am

WASHINGTON (AP) – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he hopes President Donald Trump’s threatened tariffs on Mexico are avoided, saying Republicans are “not fans of tariffs.” The Kentucky Republican told reporters he’s hopeful that U.S. talks with a Mexican delegation will be “fruitful” and that the tariffs “will not kick in.” He added that “there’s not much support in my conference for tariffs, that’s for sure.” Trump is threatening to impose a 5% tariff on Mexican imports next week unless the country does more to stem illegal migration. Some Republicans have talked of trying to block the tariffs, a move Trump warned would be “foolish.” Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said he believes Trump will ultimately back down on the tariffs “when he sees what a dumb move he has made.”