McDonald Neighbor’s Quick Thinking Saves Home

January 26, 2024 4:48 am

MCDONALD, Pa. — (WPXI) – A neighbor sprang into action when a truck burst into flames, dangerously close to a McDonald home. WPXI spoke exclusively with the man whose quick thinking and actions may have saved the home. “I put my boots on and ran out the door,” Brandon Boyer said. “I got a fire extinguisher and then I tried to put the porch out and it didn’t do anything.” As the fire continued to spread, Boyer ran back and got in his truck. Boyer’s girlfriend shot a video that shows what he and her stepdad did next, working together to get the truck away from the home. “His quick thinking literally saved our house,” homeowner Michele Byra said. “To know there is good people out there still is touching.” “Because of him, my kids were put to bed in their beds last night, we all sang happy birthday to my husband and ate cake and because of him our house didn’t burn down,” Byra said.