Monessen School Board Responds To Fights

September 13, 2023 5:12 am

MONESSEN, Pa. — (WPXI) – Some parents are raising concerns about student safety after a fight broke out at Monessen High School. The violent scuffle happened during the lunch period on Monday. It was recorded on several students’ cell phones and shows at least three students wrestling each other to the ground, taking swings and pulling hair. That video came up at Tuesday night’s school board meeting. Toya Sweeney, the guardian to her 14-year-old niece, said her niece was in that video, adding that she was targeted and attacked by those students. Superintendent Dr. Robert Motte said they were alerted to those threats ahead of time and thwarted plans to start a fight three different times that day before the chaos broke out in the cafeteria. This is the fourth violent fight since school started back up two weeks ago. School administrators said one security guard was working Monday. They’re looking to hire another one or two at the high school, including a part-time police officer. One security guard just resigned Monday night.