Donegal Township residents are still upset with supervisors that laid off the township road crew. Supervisors Jim Bauer and Ed Shingle would not respond to resident inquiries about what plans are in place to replace the road crew especially now that winter is only weeks away. Shingle did state at the end of the meeting to a reporter that the road crew was merely laid off and could be called back into service. Otherwise, no other plans were announced. Related to the layoffs, Ed Marson got into an altercation with Shingle at the layoff meeting when he asked Shingle about a project at his house Shingle agreed to have completed. According to Marson, Shingle tried to exit the conversation aggressively, running into Marson’s wife. Supervisor Chairman Jim Bauer stood up for Shingle stating that it was Marson’s wife that initiated the contact. Former Supervisor Douglas Teagarden requested that the board of supervisors resign immediately. He intimated that supervisors may not be forthcoming on all pertinent information. Bauer stated that the request is a regular occurrence. Supervisors did pass a resolution indicating that residents that are on the local water and sewage service are to register with the township to receive push notifications regarding township emergencies. Supervisors had no answer to a question of what residents were to do should they opt not to receive the push notifications. Supervisors will meet on October 15 for their agenda meeting.