Mother Of Trinity Student Arrested After Assault

February 23, 2024 7:18 am

The mother of a Trinity High School student has been charged with aggravated assault and resisting arrest after an incident at the school Thursday. According to the criminal complaint, Kimberly Kingan, who is also known as Kimberly Goodson, was called to the school for a conference after her daughter told the school nurse that she had recorded several faculty members without their knowledge or consent and forwarded it to another student. Trinity police then met with Kingan and her daughter in a conference room and informed them that they would be confiscating the phone as part of their investigation. Police, however, say the student put the phone between her legs and refused to turn it over for some thirty minutes. Police then requested a female officer from the Washington Police Department who arrived and when she tried the get the phone says the mother grabbed the phone and bit the officer on the arm. Police say Kingan then resisted when they arrested her.