As the general election draws near the lawsuits for election voting rules continue to get played out in court. Thursday a ruling was clarified by the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court that effectively dismisses a filing by the Republican National Committee that would require a handwritten date on each mail-in ballot. The ACLU was representing the group of 9 community organizers that were challenging the RNC’s assertion in Allegheny and Philadelphia counties. Originally the ACLU lawyers were seeking to add all 67 counties to the lawsuit but in the move late Thursday afternoon the State Supreme court clarified their ruling so the move is now unnecessary. The other lawsuit in question filed on behalf of the RNC Wednesday was a request for a King’s Bench by the State Supreme Court to make a definitive ruling to not allow ballot curing in the Commonwealth. The current law states counties are “not required” to alert voters of minor mistakes on mail-in ballots, but the law does not state that it is disallowed. ACLU Attorney Vic Walczak (Pictured) says this is a clear voter suppression issue. The King’s Bench power is a discretionary power of the PA Supreme Court that allows the court to consider cases that are not pending so they can address issues of immediate public importance