Movement On West Chestnut Flooding

May 13, 2020 4:21 am

North Franklin Township Supervisors spent a good deal of time discussing roads during their Tuesday night meeting. The biggest news came in the form of anticipated legal action due to the flooding on West Chestnut Street. Attorneys for the Guttman Oil Corporation filed an emergency injunction with Washington County Court to try and advance repairs that would cure flooding on West Chestnut Street. A hearing on that injunction will be held Thursday in front of Judge Michael Lucas. Supervisors updated progress on road repairs on McElree Road. They indicate the piping and storm drain repairs should be done by week’s end and the road will be scheduled for paving in 2021. Supervisors are also moving forward with the demolition of 3 dilapidated structures by accepting bid estimates for those demolitions. Advertisement for bids for the projects are pending. Finally, supervisors forwarded an ordinance to the planning commission to regulate poultry in the township. The purpose of the ordinance is to formally address the existence of chickens and ducks in the township and to make certain roosters and geese and any other poultry fowl is prohibited. In anticipation of moving into Pennsylvania’s Yellow Phase of economic reopening, supervisors voted to lift the State of Emergency declared earlier this year, effective May 18. The township building will reopen on May 18, visitors will need to be masked, adhere to social distancing practices and abide by any other practices suggested by the Department of Health.