N. Franklin Orders Halt To Columbia Gas Upgrade Work

August 2, 2019 3:58 am

Just after Columbia Gas took responsibility for an explosion that leveled a home in North Franklin Township, township Supervisors held a press conference to make their statement regarding that blast. Speaking for the township, Supervisor Bob Sabot announced a Cease and Desist Order halting all upgrade work being done in the township. Sabot went on to explain the displeasure that the township has had recently with communications with Columbia Gas with regards to that upgrade work and scheduling. Township Supervisors are also holding Columbia Gas responsible for all repairs necessary to restore township property that was damaged during that blast. They are also seeking reimbursement for all first responders that arrived to help. Fire Chief Dave Bane was also on hand to inform that all those injured in that blast, including himself are now at home and resting. He was especially appreciative of all the help his department received from the surrounding communities. Township Supervisors announced a public hearing in conjunction with the regular Supervisors Meeting on August 13 at 5:00 PM. Columbia Gas has been scheduled to respond to resident’s concerns and announce a plan to remediate the damages and compensate all first responders.