N. Franklin Twp Monitors Creek After Crash/Leak

February 17, 2024 5:07 am

NORTH FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, Pa. — A truck carrying thousands of gallons of floor wax crashed on Interstate 70 last week, creating a mess in a creek. Some residents in North Franklin Township say they have concerns. Bill Campo took photos of the creek outside his home just after a tractor-trailer overturned on I-70, spilling almost its entire load. The truck was carrying 5,000 gallons of white floor wax which spilled onto the road and into the creek. Township officials say hazmat crews have already pumped out half a million gallons of wastewater from the creek and will continue to pump it out until the DEP gives them the all-clear. The DEP told our news partners at Channel 11 the substance is nonhazardous and nonflammable. Campo says he’s concerned for the long-term effects the spill will have on wildlife in the area, but happy to see that eight days later the creek outside his home is running clear.