North Franklin Community Center Almost Ready

April 10, 2024 4:56 am

North Franklin Township Supervisors met Tuesday and one of the items on the agenda was an update on progress of the new Community Center. Supervisor Chairman Bob Sabot reported that they are in the final phase of construction. Finish work is now going on with cabinet installation and flooring. Sabot says that paving could begin in the parking lot this week. The anticipated move date for township offices is in June. There will be a grand opening held on June 22 from 11-3. The first township council meeting will be held on June 25. Additionally, the township is expected to enter into a sales agreement for the sale of the current municipal building. The offer price for the building is $450,000. In other township business, supervisors heard from a frustrated and emotional tenant at the Washington Crown Center. She asked for supervisor support so that a watermain break at the mall will not force them or any of the other tenants to close their businesses. She was told by the mall manager that the plumbing company involved will not address the current $5000 repair until the previous $15,000 that is owed them is paid. Supervisors empathized with the business owner and shared their frustrations. Supervisor Sabot explained that supervisors are entering into an executive session after the meeting to discuss litigation surrounding the condition of the mall and the owner’s lack of action. The mall is owned by the Kohan Retail Investment Group out of Great Neck, New York.