North Strabane Supervisors Approve New Gas Well

January 29, 2020 4:05 am

North Strabane Township Supervisors kicked off 2020 with conditional use approval for a new gas well in the township. Range Resources will be developing the well site. The well known currently as the Guyton Well was granted conditional use approval by a vote of 4-0-1 with Supervisor Chairman Neil Kelly abstaining because of projected financial interest in the development of the site. More than 30 conditions were attached to the approval and the two that concerned residents most were dust control and noise control. Township Solicitor Gary Sweat detailed that Range Resources will need to construct a paved driveway of at least 100 feet in length with the apron and the first 50 feet being paved with asphalt and the next 50 feet consisting of packed gravel. The second issue of concern was noise and the township required Range Resources to install sound blankets and sound walls at the inception of the project. Representative from Range Resources objected to that condition pointing to their studies presented at the conditional use hearing stating that all sound testing meets township ordinances and in the case where a resident was adversely affected, Range Resources obtained a waiver. Officials had no comment after the meeting and referred questions to their Media Contact Office.