Roughly two dozen North Strabane Residents attended a conditional use hearing regarding the proposed Guyton Well Pad on Rt. 519. The meeting considering conditional use for the well pad on a 172 acre site lasted more than 90 minutes. The meeting included presentations by Range Resources and audience comments. Only 3 people offered comments. Heaven Sensky, a community activist for the Center For Coalfield Justice asked supervisors to continue to ask the hard questions to best represent residents and challenge companies to provide answers to those questions and not merely say that the obligations of the ordinance has been met. One resident who asked not to be identified asked that sound baffling be installed around the site. John Kitchen, a resident who lives right across the street from the proposed well site entrance asked that the entrance be moved from in front of his house. His request was not out of his own selfishness, he is concerned about safety. He testified to how he has witnessed 10 accidents in the 16 years that he has lived in his home. Those accidents included one fatality. Supervisors did not vote on the measure. They have 45 days to make their conditional use decision.
North Strabane Hears Testimony On Guyton Well Pad
January 7, 2020 5:43 am