Municipal government is taking on a new look as the coronavirus continues to make its way through the United States. North Strabane Township has streamlined its Supervisors Meeting schedule by eliminating their agenda meeting in March and April and holding a legislative meeting only. Residents were able to call in and participate in the meeting and a live email service was employed for public participation as well. At Tuesday night’s meeting, only one resident was in the audience for the meeting. Township Manager Andrew Walz explained that this change is temporary and in accordance with the decree by Governor Tom Wolf to exercise limited exposure to one another during this viral pandemic. The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors notified all municipalities that local government is an essential function and that municipalities should maintain all of their services. In actual township business, bids for summer road materials were opened. Bids will be awarded once reviewed by the township engineer and director of public works. Supervisors also authorized an exploratory into the possibility of creating a traffic impact fee ordinance for the township. Traffic impact fees are charged to developers to offset costs caused by the new development in the area. There are restrictions on how the fees may be used, the exploratory will gather information as to whether an impact fee will be of financial benefit to the township.