Housing Development Approved For Peters Lake Park

May 1, 2024 4:53 am

North Strabane Supervisors approved a 41 home development that is to border Peters Lake Park. Laurel Communities requested and received approval for a conditional use application for the project on Tuesday night. Before supervisors voted, public comment continued mostly from Allegheny County residents that enjoy the lake that is owned by neighboring Peters Township. The comment was sometimes emotional and when it came time to vote on the measure, it took nearly a minute for anyone to move to vote on the measure. In the end, supervisors approved the application 4-0 with supervisor Harold Close absent. A group formed on Facebook, Friends of Peters Lake, were on hand to express their disappointment with the vote. They challenged supervisors to make sure that they do all that they can to make sure no harm comes to the lake. Terry Bove, developer for Laurel Communities that wants to build The Collective at Peters Lake says that they will do everything in their power to be good stewards of the lake. Supervisors did add 11 conditions to the application. Some of the biggest were traffic sight distance studies at each new intersection with North Spring Valley Road and at the intersection of North Spring Valley Road and Waterdam Road. An operational study for emergency vehicles and school buses is required, as is a water quality study, pre and post construction of all private wells and streams along North Spring Valley Road. Supervisors Emily Holmes and Neil Kelly addressed the group after the meeting, indicating that they empathize with the group and thanked them for their concerns.