NAACP Holds Candidates Forum

May 4, 2023 4:08 am

The NAACP Washington Branch along with the League of Women Voters sponsored a candidate forum at the LeMoyne Community Center on Wednesday night. Nearly 200 community members attended the forum. The event invited candidates from both parties to participate in a question answer program so that community members could personally interact with candidates for county, city and school board offices. The bulk of the program was taken by the county offices. Eight of the nine candidates for commissioner participated, Electra Janis was the only commissioner candidate absent. Nearly all candidates running for county row offices were present. Both candidates for Mayor and ten of the twelve candidates for Washington School Board attended. All candidates were allowed 3 minutes to introduce themselves to the audience and offer their qualifications. Questions ran from the general, what will you do to improve the office, to the more specific such as staff treatment and negative media coverage of the office. During the Washington School Board presentation, questions of book banning were answered. David Gatling, Sr., President of the NAACP Washington Branch said he was pleased with the event’s turn out. He wished more city residents would have been on hand. He stated that “the most powerful tool that one can have as a human being is the right to vote.”