NAACP Wants Citizens Police Review Board

June 30, 2020 2:40 am

The relationship between police and the black community has been in headlines for more than a month since the killing of George Floyd. That relationship has been strained in the City of Washington as well. The Washington Branch of the NAACP presented a proposal to try and help that relationship to Washington City Council on Monday. Andrew Goudy, President of the Washington, PA Branch of the NAACP presented council with a proposal to form an external Citizens Police Review Board to review complaints of mistreatment of citizens by Washington Police. The Board would be made up of 7 citizens, 3 appointed by the Mayor and 4 others from a list that city council would choose from. Goudy is hoping for a diverse selection of people to best represent the citizens and police. Goudy feels that investigations by the police about their own department may not be fair to citizens of the city and an independent board would offer an unbiased decision. Police Chief Robert Wilson did indicate to council that his department and the city have set up quarterly meetings to address this concern. The mayor and council will review the proposal before any action will be taken.