New Law Set To Help Turnpike Enforcement

January 2, 2023 3:30 am

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WPXI) — The Pennsylvania Turnpike’s “Toll by Plate” electronic method is designed to make life easier for drivers, turnpike workers, and the Commonwealth as a whole. But millions of dollars in uncollected tolls caused lawmakers to take action. Drivers are supposed to get an invoice in the mail after they pass through a toll area, and a camera takes a picture of their license plate. But Turnpike officials said people aren’t paying up, so now, they’re cracking down. The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission now has more authority to crack down on thousands of drivers who don’t pay: repeat offenders, specifically those who owe $250 or more, which is a lower amount than the previous $500 threshold, or those who owe at least four tolls – previously set at six. In a press release, Turnpike officials said while most drivers do the right thing and pay on time, this new law allows the state to hold those accountable who intentionally cheat the system. The Turnpike estimates that 25,000 additional vehicle registrations would qualify for suspension due to unpaid toll invoices, which are also turned into a collection agency after 60 days. Lawmakers in support of the bill believe that this is a step in the right direction to continuing to maintain the Turnpike and keep people safe. The commission plans to start notifying drivers this month.