New Trash Hauler Addresses Residents Concerns

February 2, 2024 4:40 am

Washington City Council asked officials from its new trash hauling company to visit chambers and address resident concerns. Ben Woods from Bigs Sanitation addressed council with its brief five week history in the city. He admitted to a rough transition initially as drivers became familiar with the city streets and alleys. Weather complicated collection early on also. Woods stated that on Thursday, only three pick ups were missed and two were immediately addressed, the last will be addressed on Friday. Resident complaints about customer service were heard and addressed by the company as well. City Manager Donn Henderson says he anticipated a rough transition but complaints to his offices have dropped. According to Henderson, Bigs Sanitation was the lowest priced, most responsible bidder during a competitive bid period. The next bidder was $500,000 more for similar services, the final bidder entered a bid $1 million more. In other city business, council entered into a contract with PLATESMART. According to police chief Steve Devenney, the license plate reader system is a critical tool for detectives not only in Washington, but statewide.