New Year, New Administration For City Council

January 5, 2024 4:56 am

Mayor JoJo Burgess presided over his first voting meeting as Mayor of the City of Washington on Thursday. At the very top of the meeting, there was a renewed request for youth activities. Avery Turner, Founder and Director of the non-profit LOYAL, Leading Our Youth to an Abundant Life, asked council to consider a recreation center for teens that have outgrown programs at the LeMoyne Community Center. Turner said that youth are getting in trouble with the law and participating in unhealthy activities like drinking and drugs because there is no outlet for them to pass their free time. He asked for a center similar to those found in Peters Township and Upper St. Clair, that not only offer athletic activities, but educational opportunities for them and their parents. He pointed to a sponsored center like the EQT Rec Center in Waynesburg as another example. In response, Burgess told him that the city is in the beginning stages of formulating a comprehensive plan. In that plan he has already made a center like Turner was requesting a piece of the plan. Burgess went on to say that he has met with state and federal representatives to put together a roadmap of how construction of a recreation center may be funded through grants and other funding sources.