No Charges Expected After House Is Ransacked

August 6, 2022 4:11 am

MASONTOWN, Pa. (WPXI) — A Fayette County man came home Wednesday to find his Masontown house ransacked, windows broken and a complete mess inside — allegedly at the hands of several children. Justin Fenton says his windows were shattered, his trampoline was destroyed, food was thrown into piles on the floor and furniture was flipped. “[It was] like a tornado went through. I had a change jar, they threw it everywhere. They took Desitin, Bengay … smeared it all over the floor, the bed,” Fenton described. Those intruders: a 10-year-old and two 6-year-olds. Justin Fenton called for his neighbor and his relatives rushed to the house, as he called police. The Fentons say officers drove the kids home. Masontown Police says they contacted the district attorney’s office and juvenile probation that night and everything has been turned over to CYS. While police do not expect anything criminal to come out of this, it remains an open investigation.  The Fentons said they would like to see some kind of reimbursement for what was lost or an apology, but it’s unclear if that will happen.