No Tax Increase In South Strabane

December 13, 2023 4:58 am

South Strabane Township Supervisors wrapped up 2023 at their voting meeting on Tuesday. They were able to deliver good news to residents going into 2024. Supervisors formally adopted the 2024 budget. According to Township Manager Jeff Ziegler, the budget totals $8,006,053. Ziegler says there is no tax increase and the budget is balanced. Also approved was an extension for the collection of recyclables. The township will once again make use of a one year extension with Waste Management. Costs will rise over last year. The new monthly fee will be $6.18 per month. That is a $1.43 per month more and $17.16 more per year than last year. Supervisors also accepted the resignation of Supervisor Bracken Burns. Burns submitted his resignation after he lost his bid for reelection in November. The remaining supervisors reached out to Burns to ask that he reconsider, no response was received from Burns before the November meeting. Supervisors acted on the resignation making it official on Tuesday. The Board of Supervisors will hold their reorganization meeting on January 2, 2024 at 7:00 pm.