North Franklin Addresses Concerns Over House

January 11, 2023 4:08 am

North Franklin Township Supervisors are working with residents about their concerns about an inordinate amount of visitors to a local home. Residents of and near Ramsey Street have been talking with township supervisors about a home on Ramsey Street that they say has people stopping by for very short visits at all hours of the day and all night long. At their meeting Tuesday night, supervisors indicated that they are addressing the concerns by erecting signs indicating that the road is a dead end street and is part of a neighborhood watch program. Supervisor Josh Polan is in charge of monitoring the scenario and says that he actually went there and witnessed the problem and the township has sent a letter to the house indicating that officials are watching the activity at the home. Residents are particularly concerned about the traffic because of the number of children in the neighborhood. In other township business, advertisements will be made with regards to an amendment to an ordinance governing the use of fireworks. The proposal is to repeal the current ordinance and replace it with a new one. Once advertised, a public hearing will be held on the changes.