North Franklin Township Supervisors took an unusual step and voted on a non-binding resolution calling on the Trinity Area School District to hold the line on tax raises for the next five years. Supervisors unanimously approved the motion and they are going to be asking the other municipalities in the school district, Canton, Amwell and South Strabane Townships, to follow suit. Supervisor Bob Sabot said that “Enough is enough” stating that municipalities set their budgets and work within those budgets year after year. He pointed out that in the last five consecutive years that Trinity has raised taxes, North Franklin Township has not, in fact, they cut taxes a couple years back. Supervisor Mike Quinn pointed out that the township collects $470,000 in taxes from its residents and Trinity collects $5.5 million from those same residents. He pointed to the school buildings in the township that do not generate revenue. The supervisors want to send a message that they perceive the district to be on an unchecked spending spree that is creating a hardship for residents, especially senior citizens.