North Franklin Reaches Agreement With Road Department

February 15, 2023 4:06 am

North Franklin Township Supervisors reached an agreement with their road crew on a five year labor agreement that will run from 2024-2028. Part of that agreement has the crew beginning their new health benefits plan beginning in May. Supervisor Josh Polan headed up the negotiations for the township and called them very effective and productive. Road crew representatives agreed. The new contract will call for raises in each of the five years of the contract that brings the road crew in line with surrounding crews’ pay scale. They are also able to keep the health benefits that they like. Polan also addressed recent issues with a home located on Ramsey Road. Residents had been complaining about excessive traffic and questionable behavior coming from the home. Letters from the township and stepped up police presence seems to have significantly calmed the traffic down. Finally, supervisors enacted a new fireworks ordinance that largely mimics the one used by the state. Supervisor Bob Sabot indicated that some larger firework displays may need to have a permit. The ordinance also dictates the distance from buildings that fireworks may be shot and specific times that fireworks may be used.