North Franklin Shrinks Planning Commission

February 12, 2025 2:16 am

North Franklin Township took steps to shrink the size of the township’s Planning Commission. Supervisors unanimously approved a measure to reduce the size of the board from 7 members to 5. According to Supervisor Ben Johnson, several sitting members of the Planning Commission wished not to be reappointed and the pool of volunteers to fill board positions is rather shallow. With that, supervisors felt that it is a good time to eliminate 2 positions. The positions will be eliminated through attrition. Additionally, supervisors celebrated a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The township received a grant of $351,900 from the Community Conservation Partnership Program. According to Supervisor Chairman Bob Sabot, the money will be used to remodel their water company filter building into a pavilion, and install a myriad of park amenities. The grant comes at a good time as the township spent $164,000 on park upgrades at the end of 2024.