North Franklin Welcomes New Supervisor

October 11, 2023 4:47 am

The reformulated North Franklin Township Supervisors met Tuesday night and began the night with an appointment. Supervisors welcomed their new member Ben Johnson. Johnson was appointed to fill out the year for Supervisor Josh Polan who passed away in September. Johnson will be on the ballot in November for election to possibly fill out the remaining four years of Polan’s term. Not wasting time, supervisors appointed Johnson to the vacancy left by Polan on the township’s Planning Commission. Supervisors also scheduled a public hearing at 5:15 on November 14 to take comment on a proposed liquor license transfer from Independence Township that will be located at the Interstate Golf and Activity Center. Supervisors also acknowledged the receipt of notice of a proposed purchase of the Ramada Inn on Chestnut Street. A public hearing regarding that purchase could be held immediately before the December meeting of the Board of Supervisors.