North Strabane Adopts Wireless Tower Changes

July 26, 2023 4:48 am

North Strabane Township Supervisors acted on changes to state and federal policy on the governance of wireless communications facilities. On Tuesday they unanimously adopted changes to their local ordinance. According to Township Manager Andrew Walz, the biggest change comes with how 5G towers are regulated. Walz says that those antennas are now to be permitted anywhere in any public right of way. He said that the FCC has deemed the towers to be safe so there is no need to have any hearings on their placement. In other township business, supervisors authorized Walz to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the owners of the Lighthouse Electric building to purchase that building that is adjacent to township property. Township officials are looking at the building to be the new township administration building. A possible use for the current administration building would be to tear it down and build an athletic center.