North Strabane Denies Giant Eagle

October 5, 2023 4:47 am

The North Strabane Township Zoning Hearing Board met Wednesday to entertain requests for variances submitted by Giant Eagle Incorporated. Those variances were centered on the lot that currently contains the Kings Restaurant at the corner of Rt. 19 and McClelland Road. Giant Eagle would like to build a Get Go convenience store and gas station. A variance requested were for building size. The current zoning ordinance limits the square footage to 4000 square feet. Giant Eagle is proposing a building more than 2800 square feet bigger. They also requested variances pertaining to parking lot setbacks, minimum required loading zones and other setback encroachments. Before a roll call vote on each of the individual variances, board member Michael Proctor offered a motion to deny all variances applied for. A roll call vote narrowly approved the blanket denial 3-2 with board chairman Matt Adams and Vice Chairman Robert Shader agreeing with Proctor. Proctor indicated that the hardships that Giant Eagle was seeking relief from were all hardships created by them and therefore there was no basis to grant relief from any of their hardships. Some two dozen residents that showed up at the meeting were pleased with the decision. Representatives from Giant Eagle did not wish to comment. If Giant Eagle were to adjust their plans, the project could be approved at a later date.