North Strabane Hires Part-Time Officers, Firefighters

May 24, 2023 4:07 am

North Strabane Township Supervisors were greeted with a lengthy agenda Tuesday night and they quickly moved through it. On the agenda was the approval of the 2023 paving program. The contract for $467,705.36 was awarded to A. Liberoni, Inc. The contract had to be rebid because the township received a statewide LSA grant to offset costs for the paving of McDowell Lane and that needed to be removed from the original bid proposal. Supervisors also approved the hiring of three part time police officers and two part time firefighters. Supervisors also scheduled several public hearings. On June 20 a hearing will be held to accept comment about Garden Street being a no left turn street onto Rt. 980. On June 27, Supervisors will take comment on the conditional use application for the Oak Grove Conservation subdivision. Finally, July 18 will have a public hearing on the amendments to the zoning ordinance governing communications facilities. All three meetings will begin at 6:00 PM.