North Strabane Holds Public Hearing For Garden Street

June 21, 2023 4:52 am

Prior to their agenda meeting, North Strabane Township Supervisors held a public hearing to discuss traffic patterns surrounding the intersection of Garden Street with state route 980. Planned expansion of the Greenwood Village development necessitated traffic studies. Multiple traffic studies performed revealed a sight distance deficiency for drivers on Garden Street trying to make a left turn onto 980. This revelation put the township at financial risk if not properly addressed. A communication from PennDot agreed with a recommendation to allow Garden Street to remain a two way street, but only allow right turns onto Rt. 980. Public comment was varied over the logistics of the plan. Some questions from supervisors remain about the PennDot recommendation. It is not clear when supervisors will make a decision.  Supervisors will consider a number of property development plans and staffing items at their legislative meeting next Tuesday.