North Strabane Looking At Tax Increase

November 18, 2020 4:18 am

North Strabane Supervisors met at their agenda setting meeting on Tuesday night and indicated that there is a tax increase for residents on the horizon. Township Manager Andrew Walz stated that the proposed increase will be a one half mil increase. That increase will be used to cure a deficit spending practice that has been occurring for the last 5 or more years. The township has been supplementing funding for the fire department and the parks and recreation departments. The tax increase will be divided by giving .35 mil to the fire department and .15 mil to the parks and recreation department. Solid budget numbers are still being worked out but Walz indicates that the budget will be in line with the 2020 budget of $30,406,937. In other township business, the Canon-McMillan School District is asking supervisors to discount building permit fees for the new middle school being built on Rt. 519. School Director Manuel Pihakis was met with pushback from supervisors over the request. Supervisors will consider the request at their legislative meeting next week.