North Strabane Township Supervisors took measures to return the township back to its normal operation. This month they returned to their normal meeting schedule. Supervisors passed a measure to end the township’s declaration of emergency that it invoked due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The declaration will end on Friday. Supervisors also approved the return of the final 14 township employees furloughed because of the pandemic. Everyone will return by the end of June. An ordinance to fine residents that abuse the 9-1-1 emergency call system was also enacted. Township emergency responders have been called out numerous times over the last year not for emergency calls but to help residents find lost belongings or open difficult windows. Finally, supervisors also agreed to continue with a modified Community Day Celebration. Instead of what residents normally experience with Community Day, they will be invited to attend a Food Trucks and Fireworks celebration. Residents will register for tickets for a car load of people. Attendance will be limited, and all CDC and Department of Health regulations will be observed. The event will take place on August 1.
North Strabane Moving To Normal
June 24, 2020 4:01 am