North Strabane To Consider Reorganization

October 19, 2022 4:05 am

North Strabane Township will have several reorganization items to vote on at their upcoming legislative meeting. Proposed at the agenda meeting on Tuesday was the reorganization of the police and fire departments and the reorganization of the planning, zoning and code enforcement departments. According to Township Manager Andrew Walz, under the proposal for the police and fire departments, the public safety director would handle the administrative tasks of the police and fire departments and the daily operations of the departments would be handled by a police captain and an assistant fire chief. A new department of Community Development is also under consideration. That proposal would combine the planning and zoning departments with code enforcement so that developers would be able to work with one person from the beginning to the end of the development whether the project is one building or one hundred buildings according to Walz. These items will be voted on at the legislative meeting on October 25.