Notable No-Shows At Election Integrity Event

May 15, 2024 4:54 am

The Washington County Bar Association hosted a panel discussion with members of the organization Keep Our Republic. That is a bipartisan organization of political leaders and former judiciary to help educate the community about how elections are administered in their counties and point out misinformation with regards to the election process. The group has offices located in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. On the panel was former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett. His slant is from the legal side and as far as voter fraud is concerned,he says “show me the evidence.” As a former prosecutor, he says he has seen no evidence of widespread fraud. Former Judge on the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Tim Lewis says the organization does not take a stand on legal rulings that occur in Pennsylvania. He said that recent rulings regarding material defects and efforts to cure those defects will eventually wind up in the U. S. Supreme Court. Rob Beecher, Deputy Policy Director from the PA Department of States described how since 2020, Pennsylvania has invested $90 million in programs and equipment to help administer elections. Also invited to attend the panel discussion were all three county commissioners. Absent from the panel were commissioners Nick Sherman and Electra Janis. In a statement provided to WJPA by text, Sherman stated that some questions presented to them before the event centered on ballot curing. The county solicitor advised them not to attend due to possible litigation from the ACLU, concerning ballot curing. Sherman further stated that the county will follow state law and the decision from the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and not allow ballot curing. Also invited to attend but did not was Washington County Director of Elections Melanie Ostrander. According to commissioner Larry Maggi, a majority vote among the commissioners directed her not to attend the event.