(WPXI) – A teenager was killed by a train and two of her friends took desperate measures to try to survive. The teens were walking across a train trestle near the intersection of Wabash Avenue and Millers Run Road in South Fayette around 11:00 a.m. Wednesday. Two other friends were walking on the ground nearby, police said. A train struck a 15-year-old girl, killing her. A 17-year old girl who was also on the trestle jumped over and hung onto the ledge until the train passed. Channel 11 has learned a friend and nearby contractor ran over to help and pulled her to safety. She is expected to survive. A teenage boy who was also walking on the tracks shouted ‘train’ and then quickly – perhaps instinctively – made a move that would save his life. “The kid miraculously laid on the tracks and the train went right over him and he had not injuries at all,” said Chief John Phoennik. Phoennik said his department is constantly urging people to avoid walking across the train trestle.