Pa. Casinos Hit Record High In Revenue

July 20, 2022 4:03 am

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Casinos and other operators in Pennsylvania set a new annual record for gambling revenue, state regulators said Tuesday, rising above $5 billion for the first time amid surging betting on online casino games and a post-pandemic return to the casinos’ slot machines and table games. Operators in one of the nation’s largest commercial casino states won more than $5 billion from gamblers in the 12 months through June 30, according to the figures from the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board That was about 30% higher than the $3.9 billion recorded in the previous fiscal year, and slightly above the previous calendar year high of $4.7 billion reported in January. The rebound continues after pandemic-related shutdowns sapped casino revenue in 2020. Revenue in casinos from slot machines grew to $2.4 billion and from table games to above $1 billion. Online gambling, in just its fourth year, grew again to pass $1.2 billion. Sports betting, in just its fifth year, added $325 million in revenue.