Over 5000 volunteer hours, spread out over 4 years culminated Friday with a ribbon cutting. The Pennsylvania Trolley Museum dedicated their new Fairgrounds Platform Project, which tripled the size of the previous platform that was upgraded due to age. It accommodates two trolleys on each of the two tracks. The project cost more than $800,000 and was funded through SPC SMART Transportation grant funds, Washington County Local Share funds, Washington County Act 13 Greenways Funds and fairgrounds gas lease monies. The Port Authority of Allegheny County also got involved by donating signal equipment and allowing the use of their specialized bucket truck. The dedication was set to coincide with the opening of the Washington County Agricultural Fair on August 11.Local officials on hand for the dedication included Washington County Commissioners Larry Maggi, Diana Irey Vaughn and Harlan Shober. Scott Becker, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum along with State Senator Camera Bartolotta and representatives for Congressman Tim O’Neal were also on hand. For information about Park ‘N Ride tickets to the fair, go to www.patrolley.org .