Leaked Russian Interference Report Raises UK Vote Questions

November 17, 2019 8:26 am

LONDON (AP) – A senior Labour party official says leaks from a report on Russian interference in British politics raises serious questions about the security of next month’s election. The Sunday Times says the report from Parliament’s intelligence committee concludes that Russian interference may have affected Britain’s 2016 Brexit referendum, though the impact was “unquantifiable.” The Times says the report discusses the impact of articles posted by Russian new sites that were widely disseminated on social media. Emily Thornberry, Labour’s foreign affairs spokeswoman, told the newspaper that Prime Minister Boris Johnson must “clear up the confusion, spin and speculation around this ISC report by publishing it in full at the earliest opportunity.” She says if the Conservative leader does not, “people will rightly continue to ask: what is he trying to hide from the British public and why?”

Experts Call For Renewal Of Appraisals

November 17, 2019 8:24 am

NEW YORK (AP) – Some statisticians and scientists are renewing calls to get rid of a statistical concept that holds huge sway over how scientific results are appraised, which studies get published, and what medicines make it to drugstores. The concept is called statistical significance, and it’s expressed using a number called a p-value. It’s an all-or-nothing thing. Results are either significant, meaning they are reliable, or not significant, indicating an unacceptably high chance that they were just a fluke. The concept has been used for decades, but this year has brought two high-profile calls from critics, including from inside the world of statistics, to get rid of it. One call to abolish the practice published this year in a scientific journal attracted more than 800 co-signers.

Warren Pushes Back Against Health Care Critics

November 17, 2019 8:23 am

WAVERLY, Iowa (AP) – Elizabeth Warren pushed back against critics of her newly-released plan to phase in implementation of a single-payer health care system, insisting Saturday that she is “fully committed” to Medicare for All and that she plans to first build on existing health care programs because “people need help right now.” Warren said her commitment to Medicare for All is all the way.” She was responding to critics who’ve questioned the timing behind the release of her implementation plan. Asked after a campaign event in Iowa if her decision to delay passage of a single-payer plan until the third year of her presidency was an acknowledgement of the political challenge she’ll face in enacting such a plan, Warren insisted “I don’t see it that way at all.”

Iran’s Supreme Leader Backs Government Gas Hikes

November 17, 2019 8:22 am

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) – Iranian state TV says the country’s supreme leader supports the government’s decision to increase gasoline prices and calls those setting fire to public property “bandits” backed by the enemies of Iran. The comments by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei were reported by the state TV on Sunday, a day after protesters angered by Iran raising government-set gasoline prices by 50% had blocked traffic in major cities and occasionally clashed with police. That came after a night of demonstrations punctuated by gunfire, in violence that reportedly killed at least one person.

Trump Impeachment Hearings Continue

November 17, 2019 8:21 am

WASHINGTON (AP) – Testimony in the House impeachment investigation is tying President Donald Trump more closely to the allegation that he held up military aid to Ukraine in exchange for investigations of his political rivals. A National Security Council aide said that Ambassador Gordon Sondland told a Ukrainian official that the assistance would be delivered once a Ukraine official announced an investigation into the gas company for which Joe Biden’s son worked. Lawmakers released a transcript of Tim Morrison’s testimony on Saturday. Morrison also recounted that Sondland told him he was discussing the Ukraine matters directly with Trump. Both Morrison and Sondland are scheduled to testify publicly next week. Holding up aid to Ukraine for political purposes is the central charge from Democrats investigating impeachment.

Man Admits To Killing Woman After Driving Her To Las Vegas

November 17, 2019 8:19 am

BETHEL PARK, Pa. – A man is charged in the disappearance of a Bethel Park woman who hasn’t been seen since Sept. 15. The family of Jaime Feden, 33, contacted police Thursday night to report her missing. John Chapman, 39, is in custody and facing several charges, including kidnapping. Chapman’s family told Channel 11 he met Feden at either a high school or college for students with special educational needs and that he often had a lot of close friends. Police said Chapman would often stay at Feden’s Bethel Park townhome. Channel 11 obtained the criminal complaint that said Chapman drove Feden to Las Vegas in late September, telling her they were taking a trip. At some point around September 25, according to court paperwork, Chapman convinced her to drive into the desert for a photo shoot. He allegedly told police he bound Feden’s hands and feet with zip ties and tied her to a signpost. Chapman also allegedly duct taped her mouth and nose, causing her to suffocate and die, according to police. A criminal complaint says Chapman then removed the tape, the zip ties and Feden’s clothing and left her near the signpost in Nevada before driving back to Bethel Park.  According to police, while she was missing, the victim’s family said someone reached out to them from her Facebook messenger account pretending to be her. Police said Chapman was on the other end. Chapman’s stepmother told Channel 11 he is married to another woman and has been for about a year. His family thought he was going on a work trip to Las Vegas when the alleged incident happened. Allegheny County detectives have since contacted authorities in Las Vegas, who confirmed they found a woman’s body matching many of Feden’s physical characteristics. Detectives said they will be working with authorities in Nevada to positively identify the woman’s remains. At this point, Chapman has not been charged with homicide. Police said if he is eventually charged, he will likely be extradited to Las Vegas.

Man Killed After Walking On Highway Near Ft. Pitt Tunnel

November 17, 2019 8:14 am

PITTSBURGH, Pa. – The outbound side of the Fort Pitt Tunnels are closed Sunday morning as police investigate a fatal crash. The medical examiner is on the scene. State police told our news partners Channel 11 just before 5:30 a.m. Sunday, a 45-year-old man was walking on the outbound lanes of the Parkway West by the Ft. Pitt Tunnels when he was hit and killed by a car. The driver of that vehicle stayed at the scene, police said.

Bolivia’s Growing Crisis Turns Deadly As 5 Killed In Clash

November 16, 2019 9:28 am

SACABA, Bolivia (AP) – Bolivia’s political crisis turned deadly after security forces opened fire on supporters of Evo Morales in a central town, killing at least five people, injuring dozens and threatening the interim government’s efforts to restore stability following the resignation of the former president in an election dispute. Most of the dead and injured Friday in Sacaba near the city of Cochabamba suffered bullet wounds, said hospital director Guadalberto Lara, calling it the worst violence he’s seen in his 30-year career. Angry demonstrators and relatives of the victims gathered at the site of the shootings, chanting: “Civil war, now!” Morales, who was granted asylum in Mexico after his resignation Sunday, said on Twitter that a “massacre” had occurred. Protesters said police fired when demonstrators tried to cross a military checkpoint.

Trump Intervenes In Military Justice Cases, Grants Pardons

November 16, 2019 9:25 am

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Donald Trump has issued a full pardon for a former U.S. Army commando being charged with murder, undermining military justice proceedings. A court-martial for Maj. Mathew Golsteyn had been scheduled for December at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, but was postponed until February. The former Green Beret is accused of killing a suspected bomb-maker while deployed in Afghanistan. Golsteyn has argued that the Afghan was a legal target because of his behavior at the time of the shooting. The case attracted Trump’s attention. He tweeted that Golsteyn is a “U.S. Military hero” who could face the death penalty “from our own government.”Trump also issued a full pardon late Friday for Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance and ordered a promotion for Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Edward R. Gallagher.

West Pike Run House Fire Sends One To Hospital

November 16, 2019 7:51 am

Officials from 911 report that a structure fire in the 400 block of Deems Park Road in West Pike Township has sent one female to the hospital. She was sent from the scene by life flight to a hospital in Pittsburgh. Four fire companies responded to the fire, Bentleyville, Richeyville, Ellsworth and California. WJPA will bring updates as they become available.