Chartiers Woman Charged In Connection With Pics

September 26, 2023 5:52 am

A Chartiers Township woman is facing numerous charges after police say she sent three photos of a nude, adult male to a 12 year old victim with that victim’s fathers face superimposed onto the picture. According to the criminal complaint, Courtney Cavanaugh, 44, sent those picture from her cell phone back in May. Police say a search of her Grace Avenue home turned up that phone. She faces charges that include; Dissemination of explicit sexual material, contact with a minor of obscene material, criminal use of a communication facility, unlawful dissemination of an intimate image, tampering with evidence, obstruction of law and harassment. The criminal complaint says Cavanaugh was in a former relationship with the juvenile’s father.

Second GOP Presidential Debate Set For Tonight

September 26, 2023 5:00 am

SIMI VALLEY, Calf. (AP) — Republicans are meeting for their second presidential debate as top rivals seek to blunt the momentum of Donald Trump. The former president is so confident that he will continue to cruise through the party’s primary that he’s again forgoing sharing a stage with his competitors. Seven GOP White House candidates are squaring off at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California for a debate Wednesday sponsored by Fox Business. Rather than attend, Trump will be in Detroit, delivering a primetime speech that will compete for airtime with the debate and take place before a crowd of current and former union members.

7 Candidates Qualify For 2nd GOP Presidential Debate

September 26, 2023 4:56 am

The field for the second Republican presidential debate will be smaller than the first. The Republican National Committee says seven candidates have qualified for Wednesday night’s debate in California. Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson participated in the first debate but didn’t meet the heightened criteria to make the cut this time. Former President Donald Trump will also be missing from the stage and will instead hold events in Michigan. To qualify for the second debate, candidates needed at least 3% support in two national polls or 3% in one national poll as well as two polls from four early-voting states. The White House hopefuls also needed at least 50,000 unique donors.

Key Vote Remains In Hollywood Writers Strike

September 26, 2023 4:55 am

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The deal is made, the pickets have been suspended, and Hollywood’s writers are on the verge of getting back to work after months on strike. Crucial steps remain for the striking writers, including a planned vote Tuesday from their union’s governing boards on the tentative agreement reached with Hollywood studios. After that comes a vote from the writers themselves, who have yet to learn what gains they’ve won after nearly five months on strike. Writers Guild of America leaders have halted their picket lines, but they’re encouraging writers to join the lines of actors, who are still on strike with no deal yet on the horizon.

Biden Joins United Auto Workers Picket Line

September 26, 2023 4:53 am

VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — President Joe Biden has joined the United Auto Workers on the 12th day of their strike against major carmakers, a demonstration of support for organized labor apparently unparalleled in presidential history. It comes a day before former President Donald Trump makes his own visit to meet with striking UAW members. Biden has repeatedly sided with the UAW during their strike. Biden says the workers should participate in the carmakers’ riches “now that the industry is roaring back.”

Congress Moving To Crisis Mode As Deadline Approaches

September 26, 2023 4:51 am

WASHINGTON (AP) — With five days to go before a government shutdown, Congress returns to work in crisis mode. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces an insurgency from hard-right Republicans eager to slash spending even if it means closing federal offices to millions of Americans. On Tuesday evening, the House is expected to vote on a package of government funding bills, but it’s not at all clear that McCarthy has the support needed. Meanwhile, the Senate is trying to stave off a federal closure with its own bipartisan plan for a stopgap measure. It would buy some time and keep offices funded past Saturday’s deadline.

Pancake Residents Express Concerns At Town Hall

September 26, 2023 4:48 am

About two dozen residents of Pancake turned out Monday evening to a town hall meeting held by South Strabane Township Supervisor Chairman Bracken Burns and Vice Chairman Mark Murphy at Billy Bell Park. At issue are concerns from residents over the sale of the Laboratory Elementary School and parking at Billy Bell Park. Supervisors and staff fielded questions about rumors that the park may be for sale and plans for added parking if the adjacent school is sold. Burns told residents that there is no plan to sell Billy Bell Park and that the township had been working with the buyer of the school to address the park’s need for more parking. Burns also addressed issues about the school. He made it quite clear that the township does not own the school and has no control over Trinity School District who owns it nor who they choose to sell it to. He did say that the township will study development plans to make sure that all township zoning laws are adhered to. Residents raised the issue of possibly having a drug rehab center in the building. Supervisors explained that an entity like that is not allowed in an R-4 district. The most recent buyer indicated that they would like to build 16-20 apartments in the building. Residents are concerned about Section 8 subsidized housing. Residents were informed that federal and state law says that subsidized housing can not be banned. Residents asked why the township did not buy the building for a community center and they were told that funding for that use was not available. The original offer to purchase the school from the Trinity School District was denied by the court. The school is now up for auction on October 17.

Monongahela Man Accepts Open Plea

September 26, 2023 2:26 am

On Monday, a man from Monongahela accepted an open plea to plead guilty to numerous felony drug and gun possession charges. Markeiz Johnson, 28, had his Carroll home raided by state police in June of 2022. According to police, a search warrant was served and authorities found a handgun, 85 grams of crack, 100 grams of cocaine, 29 stamp bags of heroin and two pounds of marijuana. Johnson is facing 10-20 years in prison for the weapons charges and faces 5-10 years for the drug charges. A pre-sentencing investigation will take place prior to his sentencing, which will be held on December 19th at 10 AM.

Possible Pesticide Exposure Sends Many To The Hospital

September 25, 2023 4:11 pm

(WPXI) – Guests of the InTown Suites on McKnight Road in Ross Township were evacuated just before 9 o’clock Monday morning for what officials say is related to pesticide exposure. Ross Township police say they got a call about several people who were feeling sick with respiratory problems. Police say some rat bait traps were set up right outside the hotel and after those traps got wet from the rain the morning rain, it caused a gas, affecting people inside and outside the hotel. Police say seven people were taken to local hospitals, all with respiratory symptoms. Later, a child was taken by private vehicle to UPMC Children’s Hospital. Hotel management say the building is being ventilated and they hope to have everyone back inside as soon as possible.

Menendez Rejects Calls For His Resignation

September 25, 2023 1:49 pm

UNION CITY, N.J. (AP) — Democratic U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey is rejecting calls to resign, saying that nearly half a million dollars in cash found in his home was from personal savings, not from bribes. He predicted on Monday that he would be exonerated in his federal bribery case and would still be “New Jersey’s senior senator.” An indictment alleges Menendez took cash, gold bars and a luxury car in exchange for using his office to influence policy. Democratic Party support for Menendez in the state where he’s held office for nearly five decades has significantly eroded. Menendez has denied wrongdoing and vowed to fight charges that he illegally benefited by using his office to influence prosecutions against his associates and by acting on behalf of Egypt.  (Photo:  AP)