Inmate Escapes Jail Using Bed Sheets

July 9, 2023 7:02 am

WARREN, Pa. (AP) — Authorities are searching for an inmate described as “very dangerous” who officials say escaped from a jail in northwestern Pennsylvania using bed sheets. Warren police say Michael Burham was last seen wearing a blue denim coat and an orange jail jumpsuit but had likely changed clothes. Police say Burham was being held on arson and burglary charges and was a suspect in a homicide investigation. They say he is also associated with a prior carjacking and kidnapping of a local couple. Authorities say he escaped using bed sheets tied together. Local, state and federal agencies are involved in the search.

Ed Sheeran Hands Out Pizza Before Concert

July 9, 2023 7:00 am

CRAFTON, Pa. (WPXI) — Some people popping in for a quick bite at a local pizza shop received a huge surprise while ordering their lunch. Grammy Award-winning musician, Ed Sheeran visited Caliente Pizza in Crafton just a few hours before his performance at Acrisure Stadium on Saturday. Sheeran stopped in at around 3:00 p.m. to hand out 100 tickets to his concert and to promote the launch of his new hot sauce, Tingly Ted’s. Sheeran handed out 50 pizzas and used his hot sauce to make buffalo chicken pizzas.

Canonsburg Woman Expected To Enter Plea

July 9, 2023 2:28 am

A Canonsburg woman who allegedly stabbed a man during an argument will avoid trial. April Olshock, 62 waived felony attempted murder and aggravated assault charges along with misdemeanor assault and reckless endangerment charges to court. According to the criminal complaint, back in May, police were dispatched to Olshock’s apartment. Olshock told police she stabbed John Kosek because he would not leave her apartment and  for calling her vulgar names. She also said she intended to kill him. Olshock will be scheduled for a fast track plea hearing. She is expected to plead guilty to felony aggravated assault. That charge could see Olshock serve a possible 3-23 month jail sentence.

Another Whiskey Rebellion Festival In The Books

July 9, 2023 1:32 am

The Whiskey Rebellion Festival took place in downtown Washington this weekend. The festival commemorates the battle fought between 1791-1794 over the taxation of whiskey and spirits that were produced in Washington County. Saturday the parade kicked off at 10:30 am on Main Street. Food trucks, shopping and demonstrations took place all day long. The Main Stage had entertainment beginning at noon and running until the festival closes at 9:30 pm. Historical displays and Saturday tours of the courthouse fed the appetite of those interested in the history of Washington County. The Whiskey Rebellion Festival is sponsored by the Bradford House Historical Association.

El Paso Gunman Receives Sentence

July 8, 2023 11:52 am

EL PASO, Texas (AP) — A white gunman who killed 23 people in a racist attack on Hispanic shoppers at a Walmart in Texas has been sentenced to 90 consecutive life sentences in federal prison. Patrick Crusius pleaded guilty this year to nearly 50 federal hate crime charges in the 2019 mass shooting in the border city of El Paso. The 24-year-old’s sentencing Friday came nearly four years after he drove more than 700 miles from his home near Dallas and targeted Hispanic shoppers with an AK-style rifle inside and outside the store. Texas prosecutors want Crusius to get the death penalty when he stands trial in state court. That trial date has not yet been set.

Man Struck With Arrow In Critical Condition

July 8, 2023 11:48 am

PITTSBURGH (Pa.) — (WPXI)- A man was taken to the hospital after he was hit with an arrow in Pittsburgh’s California-Kirkbride neighborhood late Friday night. According to Pittsburgh police, emergency crews were called to the 800 block of Brightridge Street at 11:45 p.m. Once on scene, first responders found a man behind a privacy fence with an arrow in his right side. The man lost consciousness. He was taken to the hospital and is in critical condition.

No Charges Filed In Incident Involving Britney Spears And NBA Rookie

July 8, 2023 4:23 am

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Police say no charges will be filed following a brief investigation of the altercation involving pop star Britney Spears, San Antonio Spurs rookie Victor Wembanyama and a member of the player’s security team. Spears said she was struck by a security guard as she tried to approach Wembanyama near a restaurant in a Las Vegas casino complex on Wednesday night. Wembanyama said a person, who he later found out was Spears, grabbed him from behind. Spears filed a police report, alleging battery. But police say surveillance video shows Spears inadvertently hit herself in the face after her hand was pushed off Wembanyama.

Republicans Prepare To Investigate Hunter Biden

July 8, 2023 4:21 am

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican chairmen of three key House committees are joining forces to probe the Justice Department’s handling of charges against Hunter Biden after making sweeping claims about misconduct at the agency. Leaders of the House Judiciary, Oversight and Accountability, and Ways and Means committees have opened a joint investigation into whistleblower claims of improper interference in the federal case into President Joe Biden’s youngest son. The Justice Department has denied the claims. The congressional inquiry was opened days after it was announced last month that Hunter Biden will plead guilty to the misdemeanor tax offenses as part of an agreement with federal prosecutors.

Sailors Rejoice After Snowy Winter Raises Great Salt Lake

July 8, 2023 4:18 am

ON THE GREAT SALT LAKE (AP) — After years of sailboats being hoisted out of the shrinking Great Salt Lake amid fears they might not return, sailors are back this summer. That’s thanks to an abnormally wet winter that has raised the lake 6 feet from last November’s historic low. Sailors are just one group whose enjoyment of the lake is imperiled by climate change, drought and diversion of water to cities and farms. Bob Derby, a 61-year-old veteran of the lake, and a friend were back on the water in June in their 25-footer. Derby, who is battling cancer, said there’s “no better therapy” than being on the lake. But he warns that its rejuvenation will be just temporary if politicians and people don’t tackle tough conservation measures.

Former Pittsburgh Teacher Accused Of Sexual Assault

July 8, 2023 4:12 am

PITTSBURGH, Pa. —(WPXI)- A former Pittsburgh Public Schools teacher accused of sexually assaulting a student appeared in court on Friday. James Ziegler 41, a former teacher at Pittsburgh Faison, had nothing to say after leaving his preliminary hearing Friday afternoon. Ziegler is accused of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old fourth-grade student during school last year. The student testified the disturbing details, saying that on multiple occasions he would be alone with Ziegler in his classroom during lunch detention. He said Ziegler would shut the door and the blinds, then threaten and force him to perform sexual acts. The student also said Ziegler was his science and math teacher and the assaults happened four days a week from the start of the school year through December. Ziegler faces several serious charges. The judge held all charges for court.