I-95 Traffic To Resume This Weekend With Interim Fix

June 21, 2023 5:02 am

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — More than a week after a section of Interstate 95 collapsed in Philadelphia, Gov. Josh Shapiro says traffic will be moving on the interstate again this weekend. Shapiro on Tuesday lauded the around-the-clock work of crews on the stretch of the East Coast’s main north-south highway. A section of the northbound lanes of the elevated highway in northeast Philadelphia collapsed early June 11 after a tractor-trailer hauling gasoline flipped over on an off-ramp and caught fire. State transportation officials said the driver, who was killed, lost control around a curve. The resulting damage necessitated demolition of the southbound lanes as well, officials said.

Pa. House Passes $15 Minimum Wage Bill

June 21, 2023 5:00 am

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania’s Democratic-controlled House of Representatives approved a measure that would raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2026 in a close vote Tuesday, a long-held party campaign plank that has run up against Republican legislative majorities for years. The measure would gradually increase the minimum wage to $15 by changing from $7.25 to $11 in its first year, then to $13 in 2025 and finally to $15 in 2026. The bill ties future increases to inflation, which sponsors say mirrors action taken by 15 other states. It has an uncertain future in the Republican-controlled Senate.

Kids Face Charges After Incident At South Hills Village

June 21, 2023 4:57 am

BETHEL PARK, Pa. — (WPXI) – Six kids will be facing charges after Bethel Park police said they set off smoke bombs at the South Hills Village Mall. Police said the group threw the smoke bombs inside the Macy’s store about an hour and a half before closing time, setting off the security alarm. Police Chief Timothy O’Connor said it occurred last Thursday, when the five teens and a 10-year-old set off an unknown number of smoke bombs. One witness told our news partners at Channel 11, the group was lighting the bombs and then hurling them in Macy’s garbage cans, filling the entire second floor with smoke. The six kids are now banned from mall property, according to police, and face charges for criminal mischief and disorderly conduct and possibly for theft. Police Chief O’Connor said they plan to file the charges once the investigation is done.

North Strabane Holds Public Hearing For Garden Street

June 21, 2023 4:52 am

Prior to their agenda meeting, North Strabane Township Supervisors held a public hearing to discuss traffic patterns surrounding the intersection of Garden Street with state route 980. Planned expansion of the Greenwood Village development necessitated traffic studies. Multiple traffic studies performed revealed a sight distance deficiency for drivers on Garden Street trying to make a left turn onto 980. This revelation put the township at financial risk if not properly addressed. A communication from PennDot agreed with a recommendation to allow Garden Street to remain a two way street, but only allow right turns onto Rt. 980. Public comment was varied over the logistics of the plan. Some questions from supervisors remain about the PennDot recommendation. It is not clear when supervisors will make a decision.  Supervisors will consider a number of property development plans and staffing items at their legislative meeting next Tuesday.

Washington Health System Merging With UPMC

June 21, 2023 2:34 am

The Boards of Directors of both Washington Health System (WHS) and UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) have signed a non-binding letter of intent to negotiate an affiliation agreement between the two entities that would integrate WHS into the UPMC system. The WHS Board of Directors met on June 1, 2023, and unanimously voted to pursue affiliation discussions with UPMC, a clinically integrated and world-renowned nonprofit health care provider and insurer.  “Our primary focus is to ensure the residents of Washington and Greene Counties have local access to high-quality health care that is sustainable into the future,” said Brook Ward, President and CEO of WHS. “After careful consideration and analysis, we believe the best path forward is to affiliate with UPMC to achieve that goal. We currently have numerous clinical arrangements and joint ventures with UPMC, which have provided our patients with exceptional care over the years. From our experience working with UPMC and knowing their track record of providing outstanding patient care, it was an obvious choice to select UPMC as our partner going forward.”  Officials say the signing of the letter of intent means WHS and UPMC have agreed to conditions of affiliation. Over the next several months, both entities will engage in due diligence, research and discussions to work towards a definitive agreement. This affiliation is subject to customary regulatory filings, and WHS and UPMC leaders hope to complete the affiliation as soon as possible.

Monongahela Man Pleads Guilty To Assault Charges

June 21, 2023 2:30 am

A Monongahela man pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and simple assault charges. Shawn Greenough, 46 entered his open plea for an incident that occurred in June of 2022. Police were called to a domestic disturbance where Greenough was accused of shoving a woman to the floor. When police arrived, Greenough was said to have head butted an officer and a wall. While trying to get him in the cruiser, Greenough head butted a window, shattering it. Greenough will be sentenced September 12 and could face 9-16 months in jail.

New Freeport Residents Protest At EQT Headquarters

June 21, 2023 1:52 am

Residents and community activists from New Freeport gathered at the Southpointe headquarters of the EQT Corporation on Tuesday. They were there to protest what they feel is the lack of action from the company to provide to them clean water after an alleged frac-out situation led to the contamination of wells and other underground water systems in the Greene County community. According to Center for Coalfield Justice Community Organizer Tonya Yoders, fracking fluid from the EQT Lumber Well Pad leaked fracking fluid into an abandoned conventional well causing it to leak into wells and underground streams. New Freeport resident Elizabeth Pebley says her water is brown, smells and contains methane. Demonstrators are asking EQT to take responsibility and provide a long term alternate water source. If wells and springs are contaminated, they ask for a permanent solution to remedy the contamination. Representatives from EQT were not available to comment.

North Strabane Man Pleads Guilty In Standoff Case

June 21, 2023 1:26 am

A North Strabane Township man pleaded guilty to terroristic threats and firearms possession charges. Lance Stumpf, 53 entered an open plea and will be sentenced on September 12. Police were called to Stumpf’s residence by his girlfriend as he was threatening to shoot police and possibly commit suicide. A stand off of nearly 8 hours occurred with police on October 4. That caused the lockdown of the neighborhood and the AHN Canonsburg Hospital. Stumpf could face 9-16 moths in jail.

Hunter Biden To Plead Guilty To Federal Charges

June 20, 2023 9:47 am

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s son Hunter will plead guilty to federal tax offenses and avoid prosecution on a separate gun charge in a deal with the Justice Department that likely spares him time behind bars. Hunter Biden will plead guilty to the misdemeanor tax offenses as part of the agreement made public Tuesday. The agreement will spare him prosecution on a charge of illegally possessing a firearm as a drug user if he adheres to certain conditions. The White House says the president and the first lady “love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life.”

Disciplinary Hearing Against Trump Attorney Begins

June 20, 2023 5:02 am

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An effort to disbar conservative attorney John Eastman, who devised ways to keep former President Donald Trump in the White House after his defeat in the 2020 election, is beginning in Los Angeles. Eastman’s disciplinary hearing starts Tuesday and comes a week after Trump appeared in federal court in Miami in a separate case. Eastman faces 11 disciplinary charges filed by the State Bar of California, stemming from accusations that Eastman assisted Trump with a strategy — not supported by facts — to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election. Eastman’s attorney says his client disputes “every aspect” of the allegations.