Implosion Surprises Fire Department

November 2, 2022 6:25 am

UNION TOWNSHIP, Pa. — (WPXI) – The Elrama Volunteer Fire Company of Union Township addressed a controlled implosion In Washington County near the Monongahela River Tuesday. The department said a controlled implosion was set off at the former Duquesne Light Elrama Power Station at 1 Duquesne Light Way in Union Township. Typically, the fire department in the area would have been given advance warning of an event like this. The department said in a social media post they were not notified. They said they, along with other public safety agencies, are investigating. In the comment section, a resident said her house shook when the implosion took place. A 911 dispatcher confirmed the incident.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Tells Supreme Court Election Is ‘Over’

November 2, 2022 4:24 am

SAO PAULO (AP) – Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro reportedly told members of the country’s Supreme Court Tuesday night that his election battle against leftist rival Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has come to an end — marking one step closer toward a concession after his defeat on Oct. 30. Earlier, the far-right leader stopped short of conceding and instead used his first comments since his loss to thank his supporters and encourage their protests, as long as they remain peaceful. Moments after Bolsonaro’s initial remarks, the outgoing president’s chief of staff, Ciro Nogueira, announced that the president had authorized him to begin the process of handing over power.

Israel’s Netanyahu Appears To Be Back

November 2, 2022 4:22 am

JERUSALEM (AP) – After four inconclusive elections, it looks like the fifth time finally worked for Benjamin Netanyahu. With about 85% of the ballots counted, it appears voters gave him and his far-right allies what looks like a stable majority in parliament. Votes are still being counted and results are not final, but Israel was likely headed to its most right-wing government, bolstered by a strong showing from the ultra-nationalist Religious Zionism party, whose members use inflammatory anti-Arab and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. Initial results point to a continued rightward shift in the Israeli electorate, further dimming hopes for peace with the Palestinians and setting the stage for possible conflict with the Biden administration.

Strong RSV Vaccine Data Lifts Hopes

November 2, 2022 4:21 am

A new study suggests vaccinating pregnant women protects their newborns from the common but scary respiratory virus called RSV. The virus is a nuisance for most healthy people but it can be severe for babies and older adults. Efforts to create a vaccine have failed for decades but some recent promising studies are raising hopes that one might finally be getting close. Pfizer reported preliminary results of its pregnancy vaccine Tuesday, a shot it also tested successfully in older adults. Rival GSK also has reported success with its vaccine version in seniors.

State Of The U.S. Economy Is Blurry

November 2, 2022 4:19 am

WASHINGTON (AP) – Help-wanted signs are everywhere. Employers are posting nearly two job openings for every unemployed American. Hiring is on track for its second-strongest year in government records dating to 1940. And the economy grew solidly over the summer. From certain angles, the nation’s economic picture looks like a healthy one. But the scene is being photo-bombed by an unsightly intruder: Chronically high inflation. Surging prices are straining family budgets and inflicting hardship on the most economically disadvantaged households. What’s more, the Federal Reserve’s drive to tame inflation through much higher interest rates is raising the risk of a recession by next year. With voting underway in the midterm congressional elections, America’s economy is in a confusing place.

Feds Unleash Another Big Rate Hike

November 2, 2022 4:17 am

WASHINGTON (AP) – The Federal Reserve pumped up its benchmark interest rate by three-quarters of a point for a fourth straight time but hinted that it could soon reduce the size of its rate hikes. It was the Fed’s sixth rate hike this year – a streak that has made mortgages and other loans increasingly expensive and heightened the risk of a recession. The persistence of inflated prices and higher borrowing costs has undercut the ability of Democrats to campaign on the health of the job market as they try to maintain control of Congress. Republican candidates have hammered Democrats on the punishing impact of inflation in the run-up to the midterm elections that will end Tuesday.

Musk Emerging As Twitter’s Chief Moderator

November 2, 2022 4:16 am

NEW YORK (AP) – Days after taking over Twitter and a week before the U.S. midterm elections, billionaire Elon Musk has positioned himself as moderator-in-chief of one of the most important social media platforms in American politics. Musk has said he won’t make major decisions about content or restoring banned accounts before setting up a “content moderation council” with diverse viewpoints. But his own behavior as a prolific tweeter has signaled otherwise. He’s engaged directly with figures on the political right who are appealing for looser restrictions. Those include a Republican candidate for Arizona secretary of state who credits Musk for enabling him to begin tweeting again after his account was briefly suspended Monday.

Major Traffic Delays Expected In Washington

November 2, 2022 2:51 am

Washington City Police are reminding motorists of potential major delays on Jefferson Avenue.  PennDOT announced earlier this month that ongoing single-lane restrictions will be taking place on Jefferson Avenue between the intersections of Oakland Avenue and Route 844 in the city and major delays could be possible.  Crews are working on milling and paving and single-lane restrictions will be on-going as necessary, through the end of November.  Police say one of the major intersections experiencing heavy delays is the intersection of Wiley and Jefferson Avenues.

Shapiro Gubernatorial Campaign Stops In Donora

November 2, 2022 2:42 am

Democratic candidates for Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis held a rally in Donora on Wednesday. Approximately 100 supporters gathered at the American Croation Club to greet them as they delivered their message to voters as to why they should be elected and not their Republican counterparts. Austin Davis stated that he is a native of McKeesport and his wife is a Donora native and that he would champion the needs of the working class. Shapiro stated that he would continue the rights of a woman’s right to choose abortion, support trades and raise the minimum wage and rework the education system so that students that do not want to attend college have better opportunities to access trade skills that are vital to Pennsylvania. Shapiro drew a contrast between him and his opponent Doug Mastriano stating that “if you do not look like him, think like him, worship like him or vote like him” you are not a person he wants in Pennsylvania. Shapiro states that he believes Pennsylvania is a place for everyone.

Court Rules On Undated Mail-In & Absentee Ballots

November 2, 2022 2:42 am

HARRISBURG (AP) — Pennsylvania officials cannot count votes from mail-in or absentee ballots that lack accurate, handwritten dates on their return envelopes, the state Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tuesday, a week before tabulation will begin in races for governor, the U.S. Senate and the state Legislature. The court directed county boards of elections to “segregate and preserve” those ballots. The justices split 3-3 on whether making the envelope dates mandatory under state law would violate provisions of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964, which states that immaterial errors or omissions should not be used to prevent voting.  (Photo:  AP)