State GOP Lawmakers Roll Out Higher Ed Plan

April 11, 2024 4:52 am

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania on Wednesday rolled out a counterproposal to Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro’s plan to boost college enrollment in Pennsylvania. The plan they unveiled Wednesday pledges help for both in-state and out-of-state students who enroll in degree programs for high-priority disciplines, such as teaching and nursing. The proposal revolves around grants and tuition discounts. Top Republicans also signaled that key elements of Shapiro’s higher education plan rolled out earlier this year are essentially dead in the Legislature. Republicans view their proposal as an effort to counter the demographic trend of a shrinking workforce in Pennsylvania, declining enrollments in higher education institutions and shortages in high-need disciplines.

Fight Over Abortion Ban Engulfs Arizona Lawmakers

April 11, 2024 4:55 am

PHOENIX (AP) — The fight over a newly revived 1864 Arizona law criminalizing abortion throughout pregnancy unless a woman’s life is at risk has engulfed the state’s lawmakers. The Arizona Legislature devolved into jeering Wednesday as Republican lawmakers shut down discussion on a proposed repeal of the law. Shouts of “Shame! Shame!” erupted in the state House. The Arizona Supreme Court cleared the way this week for enforcing the pre-statehood abortion ban throughout pregnancy without exceptions for rape or incest. A proposed ballot initiative may ask voters in November whether to enshrine abortion protections into the Arizona state constitution.

Manhattan DA; Trump Prosecution Not About Politics

April 11, 2024 4:59 am

NEW YORK (AP) — As he prepares to bring the first of Donald Trump’s four criminal prosecutions to trial, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg finds himself at the center of a political firestorm. Since his election two years ago, Bragg, a former law professor, has often spoken about his unease with the job’s political demands. The upcoming trial, over hush money payments allegedly made by Trump during the 2016 election, will test Bragg’s efforts to portray himself as apolitical in the face of relentless attacks from Trump and his supporters. Bragg says he is treating the former president as he would any other defendant in a white-collar crime case. The trial is scheduled to begin on Monday.

Railroads Ask Courts To Throw Out New Federal Rule

April 11, 2024 4:18 pm

(AP) – Four railroads have asked federal appeals courts to throw out a new rule that would require two-person train crews in most circumstances. The identical challenges were filed this week in appellate courts across the country. They call the Federal Railroad Administration’s new rule arbitrary, capricious and an illegal abuse of discretion. The rail industry has long opposed such a rule. They say safety data doesn’t support it and crew size should be determined by negotiations. But regulators and unions argue that there are clear safety benefits to having two people operating trains because they can keep each other alert and the conductor can respond immediately to any problems.

Japanese Prime Minister Addresses Congress

April 11, 2024 4:57 am

WASHINGTON (AP) — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has addressed U.S. lawmakers at the Capitol. He was urging them to consider the importance of global commitments at a time of tension in the Asia-Pacific and deep skepticism in Congress about U.S. involvement abroad. Kishida is in Washington this week visiting President Joe Biden as the White House completes hosting each leader of “the Quad.” It’s an informal partnership between the U.S., Japan, Australia and India that is seen as important to countering China’s growing military strength. On Thursday at the Capitol, Kishida was addressing many Republicans who have urged the U.S. to take a less active role internationally in line with the ethos of Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Ukraine’s Parliament Passes Law To Boost Army Ranks

April 10, 2024 4:57 am

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine’s parliament has passed a law that will govern how the country recruits new conscripts following months of delay and after thousands of amendments were submitted to water down the initial draft. Lawmakers dragged their feet for months over the law, which is expected to be unpopular. The law on Thursday was spurred by a request from the military command under former army commander Valerii Zaluzhny, who said Ukraine needs up to 500,000 new recruits to boost army ranks.

EPA Sets Limits On “Forever Chemicals” In Drinking Water

April 10, 2024 5:39 pm

(AP) – The Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday announced its first-ever limits for several common types of PFAS, the so-called “forever chemicals,” in drinking water. Two types, PFOA and PFOS, will be limited to 4 parts per trillion, the lowest level that tests can reliably detect. The agency says it will reduce exposure for 100 million people and prevent thousands of illnesses, including cancer. Utilities groups, however, say the EPA is underestimating the rule’s cost and overestimating its benefits. They argue water rates will go up and struggling utilities will only struggle more. The Biden administration has made protecting drinking water a priority.

Washington Police Investigate Shots Fired Calls

April 10, 2024 10:54 am

WASHINGTON, Pa. – The City of Washington police are investigating a shots fired call in two areas from early Wednesday morning. Police said a shots fired call came in just after 3 a.m. for the areas of Beech Street and Hallam Avenue and Duncan Avenue and Hallam Avenue. Washington police are asking anyone with information on the incident to call the department at 724-223-4226.

Inflation Up Again In March

April 10, 2024 8:47 am

WASHINGTON (AP) — Consumer price increases remained high last month, boosted by gas, rents, and car insurance, the government said in a report that will likely give pause to the Federal Reserve as it weighs when and by how much to cut interest rates this year. Prices outside the volatile food and energy categories rose 0.4% from February to March. Measured from a year earlier, these core prices were up 3.8%. The Fed closely tracks core prices because they tend to provide a good read of where inflation is headed. The March figures, the third straight month of inflation readings well above the Fed’s 2% target, threaten to torpedo the prospect of multiple interest rate cuts this year.

North Franklin Community Center Almost Ready

April 10, 2024 4:56 am

North Franklin Township Supervisors met Tuesday and one of the items on the agenda was an update on progress of the new Community Center. Supervisor Chairman Bob Sabot reported that they are in the final phase of construction. Finish work is now going on with cabinet installation and flooring. Sabot says that paving could begin in the parking lot this week. The anticipated move date for township offices is in June. There will be a grand opening held on June 22 from 11-3. The first township council meeting will be held on June 25. Additionally, the township is expected to enter into a sales agreement for the sale of the current municipal building. The offer price for the building is $450,000. In other township business, supervisors heard from a frustrated and emotional tenant at the Washington Crown Center. She asked for supervisor support so that a watermain break at the mall will not force them or any of the other tenants to close their businesses. She was told by the mall manager that the plumbing company involved will not address the current $5000 repair until the previous $15,000 that is owed them is paid. Supervisors empathized with the business owner and shared their frustrations. Supervisor Sabot explained that supervisors are entering into an executive session after the meeting to discuss litigation surrounding the condition of the mall and the owner’s lack of action. The mall is owned by the Kohan Retail Investment Group out of Great Neck, New York.