Peruvian National Arrested For Bomb Threats

September 29, 2023 4:58 am

NEW YORK — (WPXI) – A Peruvian national accused of sending hoax bomb threats in Pennsylvania and other states was arrested on Tuesday. According to a news release, the FBI announced on Thursday that Eddie Manuel Nunez Santos, 33, also known as “Lucas” is charged with making hoax bomb threats against more than 150 school districts, synagogues, airports, hospitals and a shopping mall. The release said all of the threats were made between Sept. 15 and Sept. 21, and spanned multiple states, including Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Arizona and Alaska. Nunez Santos is accused of making threats against 24 school districts in Pennsylvania on Sept. 20, saying, “I placed multiple bombs in all of the schools from your School Districts. The bombs will blow up in a few hours. I’ll gladly smile when your families are crying because of your deaths.” Although the release did not specify which school districts in Pennsylvania were impacted, several school districts in Washington County were placed on lockdown after receiving threats on Sept. 20. Nunez Santos is also charged with attempting to get three teenage girls to send him sexually explicit photographs. The news release said Nunez Santos sent the bomb threats in retaliation against them after they refused to send him the photos.