Peters To Consider Changes In Development Ordinance

September 13, 2022 3:05 am

PETERS TOWNSHIP, Pa. — Residential development has been a heated topic of discussion recently in Peters Township. Several local residents have been critical of neighborhoods being developed in the township’s conservation residential overlay and mixed residential overlay districts. They are unhappy that homes are allowed to be built on lots that are less than one half acre in size. In its last meeting the Planning Commission recommended that council review the ordinance governing those developments with respect to lot size, location in the township and the exact properties that are allowed to be developed by this ordinance. The ordinance was created to allow for smaller lot sizes in exchange for undeveloped land in a development to be left as green space for public use. Township Manager Paul Lauer stated that staff will be reviewing lot dimension requirements and the appropriateness of the 20 plus possible land tracts that remain in those districts for their continued inclusion in the districts. Planning Director Ed Zuk cautioned council and residents letting them know that any current developments underway under the current ordinance would not be subject to any changes made to the ordinance in the future.  Once the study is completed by the staff, the findings will be presented to both the Planning Commission and Council in a joint workshop.