Peters Twp Council Moves To Demolish ‘Eyesore’

October 15, 2019 4:56 am

Peters Township Council reached the limit of its patience with an eyesore property and authorized its township manager to proceed with plans for demolition. The St Petersburg Center at 214 Valleybrook Road in Peters Township has been in disrepair for many years. In 2017 authorization was given to demolish the building. Property owners Ed and Susan Courtney have delayed the demolition several times citing unclear direction from the township and delays in permitting from state departments for not being able to finish the project. The refurbishing of the building has taken on several forms and the most recent one, making it a single floor building has been dragging on for most of this year. After debate between council and the Courtneys, Councilman James Berquist made the motion to demolish the building completely. The motion passed unanimously. Berquist stated that he was not happy that this had to end this way, but council has been more that accommodating to the Courtneys. When asked for their thoughts, the Courtneys had no comment. Demolition could begin in the next 2 weeks.