Peters Township Council Schedules Public Hearings

June 28, 2022 4:02 am

In a meeting that was largely administrative in nature, Peters Township Council scheduled two public hearings. The hearing of most interest will likely be the one where council will once again take testimony on changes to the zoning ordinance as it pertains to the township’s mixed use activities center. Proposed changes would include eliminating the 36 unit per structure maximum that currently exists and altering floor area ratio calculations. If changes were adopted this would lead the possibility of a 250 unit apartment complex proposed by Cincinnati, OH developer Al. Neyer. The original vote on this ordinance change was a 3-3 tie forcing the ordinance to remain in tact. Councilman Matt Rost was absent for the last vote causing the tie. A straw poll taken at a February meeting showed a 4-3 opinion favoring the change. Recently, council has had several residents voice displeasure with a proposed 80 home development and now the apartment complex idea is coming under fire. The meeting will be advertised for July 25 at 7:00 just before the regularly scheduled council meeting. A second public hearing will be scheduled the same time for budget amendments.