Peters Twp Council Addresses Peters Lake Park Rumors

July 12, 2022 4:11 am

Rumors have been circulating around Peters Township regarding the status of Peters Lake Park. Some of the most drastic rumors had the township draining the lake that is home to many species of wildlife both on the ground and in the air. Council was updated by Township Manager Paul Lauer and Township Engineer Mark Zamaitis. They say none of the rumors are valid. In 2012, the township was notified by the DEP that the earthen dam and spillway containing the lake’s water was deficient if a disastrous rainfall were to occur. The DEP determined that the rainfall measurement was 32 inches of rain in 24 hours. Pushback from several organizations caused a recalculation of those numbers to be 17.5 inches in a two hour storm. Lauer stated that the largest rainfall on record in western Pennsylvania was during Hurricane Ivan where 6.5 inches of rain fell during 24 hours. The township has finished engineering studies and sent off the results to the DEP and are now waiting their reply. Six alternatives have been included in the study, Lauer states that the one that is preferred is an armoring of the dam. That would require covering the total earthen dam with a solid covering so that if the rainfall were to reach the disaster level, the dam would remain intact. Lauer went on to say that each of the alternatives will cost between $4.5 to $5.5 million. Grants for cost assistance cannot be applied for until a response from the DEP and engineering and design plans have been drawn.