A housing development proposed under the Peters Township Conservation Residential Overlay District zoning application has been denied. Pleasant Pointe is a proposal to build 38 duplexes and 15 townhomes on a parcel of ground on E. McMurray Road across the street from the Peters Township Middle School. Property owner Andrew Zahalsky presented this plan as an alternative to an 88 townhome development that was denied earlier this year due to lack of specificity in the development plan. It was pointed out that his new plan lacked the same specificity that his previous plan lacked and was denied unanimously. Absent were a geotechnical analysis of the property, storm water and erosion management plans along with a traffic plan. Zahalsky spent more than 20 minutes trying to convince council to grant him an extension but they were not convinced since they saw no effort to answer the questions in his previous plan that apply to his new plan also. The property now reverts to a low density housing zoning district that requires half acre lots. Adjacent to the property is a proposed senior living facility that was granted special exception to be developed. That plan is still alive, according to Township Manager Paul Lauer, no development plan has been submitted but he expects one in the near future. When asked for his thoughts on council’s decision, Zahalsky had no comment.